Thursday, July 14, 2005

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

As of September 15, 2004, According to their own website, the number of pastors who are women in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was 2,998.

The ELCA is one of the largest groups who claim Christianity as their faith, but they are also non-spiritual, ignoring the commands of the Lord by allowing women to speak in their meetings. I heard someone say that one out of every three people you meet who claim Christianity as their faith could be a member of the ELCA. These people are accepting of homosexual and lesbian relationships, and even ordain people who are involved in this wicked sin. When someone brought to my attention the article on the ELCA in the January 2005 issue of Star Tribune, wanted to throw up. We are supposed to keep separate from these types of people. It is not permitted for women to speak in the church. This is a command of the Lord. Have no fellowship with these people, because they are caught up in heretical beliefs.

For your information, the not only allow women to speak, but have ordained them for years, contrary to the Word of God.

The Lutheran Church in America (LCA) and the American Lutheran Church (ALC), two of the three churches that merged to form the ELCA, began ordaining women in 1970. The Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches, formed in 1976, adopted the practice with its formation. The practice of ordaining women into the ministry of word and sacrament continued when the three Lutheran Church bodies merged together in 1987 to form the ELCA.

Rev. Elizabeth Platz (LCA) was ordained on November 22, 1970
Rev. Barbara Andrews (ALC) was ordained on December 22, 1970
Rev. Janith Otte-Murphy (AELC) was ordained on October 30, 1977

Approxmately 50 percent of the ELCA seminary students are female.

Keep separate from this bunch.
