Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Biblical Word Find - 8/3/06

Love Speaks the Truth: Discipleship
Prepared by ES

Words may be hidden horizontally, vertically, or diagonally -- forward or backward.

1) What did God see that He made was good? Genesis 1:4

2) What does Emmanuel mean? Matthew 1:23
3) What was Adam and Eve’s third child’s name? Genesis 4:25

4) What kind of wood did God tell Noah to build the ark out of? Genesis 6:14

5) When Esau was born, what color was he? Genesis 25:25

6) After Jesus had died on the cross, where did they lay him? Matthew 27:60

7) What did the manna that the Lord had given the Israelites look like? Exodus 16:14

8) How many commandments are there? Exodus 34:28

9) In the beginning what else besides heaven did God create? Genesis 1:1

10) What was the Apostle John’s brother’s name? Matthew 4:21

11) What did God call the light? Genesis 1:5

12) What was the name of the virgin that Jesus was born from? Luke 1:27

13) While Noah and his family were in the ark, how many days and nights did it rain? Genesis 7:12