Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mark Hanson / ELCA

Mark Hanson
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

The presiding Bishop in the Evangelical Church of America is a man known as Mark Hanson. He has led congregations in Minneapolis Minnesota that accepted lesbian and homosexual members. Did you hear that wickedness you bible believers?

I will repeat that for those of you who aren’t sure if you have a fornicator who’s sitting in the pew next to your children.

This false bishop led congregations in Minnesota that accepted lesbian and homosexual members. How wicked! A Holy Spirit filled person would condemn it as God does! Thus, he doesn't have the spirit of God, and abides in darkness along with the rest of his spiritless comrades.

He’s an exact representation of the immorality and wickedness that grows from the center of this organization, a group that has not only rejected the way of righteousness, but are now fellowshipping with the wicked.

Mr. Hanson also leads a denomination who not only allow women to speak in the church, but they ordain them, which is enough to make any man of God realize that Mr. Hanson is not only a bible rejecting heretic, but an apostate leader of a sin embracing congregation.

The Apostle Paul, who was a man of God, had the fornicators removed from among the church. They were cast out! The ELCA on the other hand become members together with them, truly becoming an end time spiritual harlot.

I believe that the things that the Apostle Paul teaches us in the Word of God are the commands of the Lord. Mr. Hanson on the other hand is not only an infidel to the pure faith, but he is an unbeliever of the truth.

Did you know that this same man is now the leader of the Lutheran World Federation, who is making doctrinal agreements with the Catholic church. Did you hear that! They are uniting with Catholics under the anti-christ spirit of ecumenism.

The Catholics once exterminated Christian’s who trusted in God’s Holy Word. They even labeled them as heretics. Why? Because they believed the Word of God, which sadly, Lutherans seem to have all but abandoned.

Now, through ecumenism, they have united with Catholicism, proving that they are once again right back home were they were before the reformation.

The reason why, is because they are all of the same spirit together, uniting in the satanic spirit of ecumenism, and rejected the truth of God’s Holy Word.

Why would anyone who knows anything about the reformation be uniting with a group that did this to true believers? Because they really aren’t Lutherans any more. They have assimilated into the spirit of Catholicism, no doubt in part to the great efforts of Billy Graham in the past fifty years.

You don’t like what you hear?

Well, it gets worse!

Listen closely, and take note of the World Council of false churches,…

The Lutheran World Federation now is joining hands with the Catholics because they are one and the same! It’s the manifestation of the one-world false church of the anti-christ. They are all filled with the spirit of anti-christ, because they are anti-bible, anti-truth, and anti-Jesus.

Really, when you think about it, how appropriate it is that the church of fornicating priests is now walking hand in hand with today’s feminist Jezebel who is speaking in the church. Two devil’s in a happy marriage together.

From the LWF website is says that “The location of the LWF General Secretariat
in the Ecumenical Center in Geneva, Switzerland, ensures close cooperation with the(WCC) “World Council of Churches” and other Christian world communions, as well as international secular organizations.

We have a report on our website about this huge apostate group of false religion. I will be frank with you, the world council of Churches is from hell. They pray, worship and commune with devils. It is one of the largest displays of Christian apostasy in this century.

The WWC is right out of the pits of hell, and those who don’t believe that, may get sucked right into their spiritless vacuum with them.

Mark Hanson and the ELCA cooperate with them, as Billy Graham has for years.

So those of you who ever see a church entitled the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, I would not have you be ignorant about their apostasy and heretical positions.

Keep separate from them, pass on by, turn not unto them, for they are like a spiritual prostitute, infecting others with her disease of iniquity.

Any man of God would recognize the ELCA church and Mr. Hanson as what they really are. The question is, have you?