Sunday, November 04, 2007

Preaching Christ and His Word boldly

Story Title: Preaching Christ and His Word boldly
Date: Sun 11/4/07
Study Passage: Mark 8:38
Duration: 22:18

Have you ever taken a stand for something in your life? Even when people may think that you are strange or weird? Have you ever taken a stand for something even though people might persecute and harass you, or it may bring reproach or disgrace? When you take a stand for Jesus and the teachings found in the 1611 King James Bible, it's going to bring on hatred from certain groups of people; those who resist Jesus, those who resist the truth, and those who won't repent of their wickedness. A true Spirit filled Christian is not going to be ashamed of Jesus or the teachings of the Word of God. True believers are filled with great boldness in the faith. People in the world may not like what they hear, but non the less, the Word of God needs to be preached so people can be saved. It needs to be done boldly. Join us today as we learn more.