Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Women teaching Sunday Schools?

Women teaching Sunday Schools?

Today there are many groups of professing Christians who have embraced women Sunday School Teachers.

The Apostle Paul said that I suffer not a woman to teach.

The Apostle Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and anyone who claims to be filled with the same Spirit would readily agree with him.

Allowing a woman to teach Sunday schools is to allow her to teach..... She is teaching biblical things. When a child has a woman sunday school teacher during their adolesence, it's no wonder why certain groups have now embraced female preachers.

This is all heretical, it's not her place. Heresy is sinful.

God is a God of order, and men ought to stand up and take charge of their families, and the responsibility of educating their children in God's Holy Word, or at least allow them to be taught by another Holy Spirit filled gentleman.

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to research "sunday schools" some more in the future.