The Foursquare Church
The Foursquare Church
(This group agrees with women preaching, and taking authority over men.)
“For example, not only are husband/wife preaching teams being found more commonly in local pastorates, but women pastors have also been appointed as district supervisors.”
“The early 20th century evangelist, Aimee Semple McPherson… Aimee began preaching across the United States and later, the world.”
“While holding a revival meeting in San Francisco in April 1922, Aimee became the first woman to preach a sermon over the radio.”
“For several years she continued to travel and raise money for the building of Angelus Temple and on January 1, 1923, Angelus Temple was dedicated. The church held 5,300 people…In the beginning, Aimee preached every service.”
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