Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Concordia College Skinny Dippers!

Concordia College Skinny Dippers!

Concordia College in Moorhead, MN is an Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) College.

According to reports, on April 30, 2007, at approximately 2:30 in the morning, as many as 80 graduates were found skinny dipping in a murky pond on Campus. Some people reported finding boxer shorts in the water the very next morning! They refused to listen to the requests of campus security, and then pushed his golf cart into the water!

If that wasn't enough, the police eventually had to be called in for assistance! Some of the students may even face charges. Personally, I wonder if both genders were present. I wonder how many of them graduated with a ministerial degree?! How would you like your son or daughter attending this outfit? I don't think so.

The Concordia College proclaims to be a Christian group, but their graduates participate in things that you wouldn’t even find on a secular campus. The apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree does it? Keep separate people!


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 2

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 1