Monday, November 05, 2007

Not ashamed of the TRUTH

Story Title: Not ashamed of the TRUTH
Date: Mon 11/5/07
Study Passage: Mark 8:38
Duration: 20:19

The word shame means disgrace, discredit, and dishonor. Have you ever experienced these things, simply because you take a stand for Jesus and the truths of the Holy Scripture? Jesus Christ was honoring His heavenly Father, but certain people said He had a devil. Jesus Christ was doing the will of God, but there were people who reproached Him. People hated Him. Even the disciples of Jesus experience these same kinds of things from people today, when they take a stand for biblical truth. Don't feel bad when it happens. It's a great blessing when you have to suffer these things for the gospel's sake. Those who are ashamed of the truth of Jesus and the scriptures, the Lord Jesus will someday be ashamed of them. Join as as we learn more.