Sunday, July 17, 2005


A commentary by ES

Not too long ago I read a book called the "The deadly deception".... freemasonry exposed by Jim Shaw and Tom Mckenney. I suggest that if you haven't read this book, you may want to educate yourself on what really goes on inside of fremasonry. I don't know the men who wrote this book, but the information inside is quite shocking.

According to this book, they have communion together, (Page 105), they drink wine out of a human skull, (page 104), and they place 4 different books upon their altars, the bible, the koran, the book of the law, and the hindu scriptures.

(These are heretical universalist beliefs,...trying to say that everything that is called god is god.)

The bible teaches, there is only one God, and Jesus God's only begotton Son is the only way to access Him.

Look at this comment by J.M Ward in " Freemasonry, it's aims and Ideals " (Page 187)

"I boldly avere that freemasonry is a religion, yet it no way conflicts with any other religion, unless that religion holds that no one outside it's portals can be saved."

Well, that's exactly what the bible teaches.

Albert Pike, a major masonic authority wrote in morals and dogma Pg. 213-214 "Every masonic lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are instructions in religion. "

According to freemason dogmas, they believe Jesus was a man, but not divine. They are very much a religion, but it's not Christianity, because they deny Christ.

Masonry is incompatable with Christian teachings. You cannot be a member of masonry and a member of Christian teachings at the same time. You cannot share the cup of the Lord Jesus, (Communion) with the cup of devils! You're not even supposed to fellowship, [ have a friendly relationship] with them. Masonry follows a false god, and no bible believing Christian can have anything to do with them or their practices.