The black Hole
Story Title:The black Hole
Date: Fri 11/9/07
Study Passage: 2 Tim 3:1
Duration: 20:25
Selfish and covetous people are concerned excessively or exclusively with themselves or seeking and concentrating on their own advantage or well being without regard for others. In the last days, people will be filled with this attribute, un-giving and unconcerned with others. The apostle James warned the rich. Sadly, rich people tend to turn a blind eye to the poor in the church. God has given them things in abundance, yet they use what they have to satisfy their own insatiable appetites. They don't use what God has given them to help further the gospel of God's kingdom, or to help the needy in the church. The reason why is because they lack love for others. They are lovers of earthly gain and possessions. They are void of charity. They are more concerned about their own advantage in life. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. The interesting thing is that a man's riches is going to count against Him. It will eat his flesh like fire. Selfish greed in a person's heart is like a black hole, from which light cannot escape. Join us as we learn more.
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