Story Title: Temperance
Tuesday 03/20/07
Study passage: Galatians 5:22-23
Have you ever ridden in a car with somebody who doesn't like to obey the posted speed limits? Maybe you know someone who actually professes the Christian faith but uses a fuzzbuster. Well, today we are going to learn about temperance, a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Temperance is being able to keep ourselves within limits. It's being able to deny yourself and say no to sinful appetites and the pleasures of the world. The bible clearly teaches us that we are supposed to deny ungodliness. Christians are supposed to restrain themselves from gratification of the flesh. A person can either control their desires, or their desires will control them. A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit will be able to keep their body and it's immoderate desires in complete subjection. Join us as we learn more.
11 minutes, 28 seconds
Love speaks the truth
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