Ungrateful hearts
Story Title: Ungrateful hearts
Date: Wed 11/14/07
Study Passage: 2 Tim 3:1
Duration: 14:01
When a person is thankful, they express gratitude towards God. The bible is filled with thankful hearts towards God. Jesus was thankful towards His heavenly Father. The Apostle Paul thanked God. The church should have thankful hearts. Can you list 50 things today that you are thankful to God for? Look around at all the good things that God is continually blessing us with! Have you thanked Him? In the last days, men will be ungrateful towards Him, filled with unthankfulness. What a sad state of mind, considering the fact that God has made a way possible for us to be saved from His wrath. He sent Jesus to save us. Thank GOD! Join us as we learn more.
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