The wicked men
Story Title: The wicked men
Date: Thu 11/15/07
Study Passage: 2 Tim 3:1
Duration: 19:40
Unholy people are wicked and deserving of censure. Jesus was teaching that at the end of the world the angels were going to sever the wicked from the just and throw the wicked into the furnace of fire. The wicked are going to wail and gnash their teeth. They are going to be destroyed. Did you know that the Apostle Peter called the men of Israel wicked? Wickedness is going to be punished by God. Through God's incredible mercy, each of us have a way to be saved from God's wrath, availiable through faith in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that we could live. Unholiness will be a mark of the men of the last days. Join us as we learn more.
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